Tracking COVID-19’s Next Chapter
August 09, 2021

The team of experts at the Center for Discovery and Innovation continue to use their skill set to better understand SARS-CoV-2 – and help everyone in the fight against an ongoing global pandemic.
This science includes tracking variants like those with the highly contagious “Delta” mutation, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. It also included some real-time tracking of “breakthrough” cases – the statistics of which were cited by the State of New Jersey at one of its regular COVID-19 update conferences.
New York regional media outlets profiled some of the CDI’s discoveries well into the summer of 2021, as COVID-19 continues to hang around past the 18-month mark. Find some of the highlights of this coverage linked below.
ABC7: Hackensack University lab looks for links between delta variant and unvaccinated people
The Star-Ledger/ An N.J. health system can now detect highly transmissible Delta variant
The Star-Ledger/ Fewer than 1% of vaccinated people in N.J. have gotten COVID, state says